imagery.mirjam dumont
Portrait of the artist and friend
Susanne Katharina Willand.
Studio Visit, Bremen 2023.
Portrait of the musiscian
trumpeter trompeter
Karen Oates_ social media editor.
Business portraits.
A Great Bartenders Morning.
Phillipp_Tablatiger_Berlin 2015
Mine.Studios_Business portraits.
Heidi Süß_hiphop and masculinity researcher, boxing teacher.
Business portraits.
Hartmut Jäschke_Consulting & Advisory.
Business portraits
Analog photographs, 6x6. Swans, Landwehrkanal, 2018
Experimental photography, Saltprint and cyanotypie_Serie of photographs painted with sunlight_created in a workshop given by David Puntel, Berlin, 2018
(Botanic & moonatic, LaMer & LaY, Cafe at C&C, Still life 1, Botanic & Moonatic)
Phoebe Killdeer and Craig Walker/them there.
Press photos + art work for music clip, 2016/17
Analog 6x6_Memories; Kanal, 2016/17; A rose is a Rose
Alfreda, Musician_Portraits 2016
Paper Moon_stories. A serie of portraits. Trip to the moon. Imagine. Part I, 2016
Appointment on stage, ballhaus ost, dance production / Cie Angela Lamprianidou
Poster and Shirt (Screenprint, ltd edition), 2015
Artwork in collaboration with Phoebe Killdeer & The Shift
Portrait II, Phoebe Killdeer, musician, 2014
Portrait Mimi Davies, dancer, modell, muse; 2014
Book "About Kings and Queens". Photos and poems, 30pp
Serie: Friends/Freunde_ Y + A _Portraits, 2012
Portraits of moving hair, PK, 2014
Portrait of painter Mira Schnedler, Berlin 2012
Posters for Theater Bremen; Photographie and collage
Es ist Sommer; book, photography and text, 30pp, 2011
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