imagery.mirjam dumont
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Artwork_Posters for Junges Theater/Theater Bremen
(handdrawing, collage, handlettering, tape art, digital drawing, etc.)
Postcard design for twenty-year anniversary
Art direction_Branding+ illustration for posters, flyers, libretto (brochure), shirts, website, social media channels_LAURATIBOR Protest Oper 2021/22:
Who does Lauratibor belong to?
Art direction_ Spielzeitheft Junges Theater Bremen
(Theater Bremen) 2020/21: Conception + Artwork.
56 pages, 25 collages + illustrations
Poster design for G. Herrbold + D. Becker: Personen in Halle 14: Bitte meldet euch!
About the disappearance of the body in industrial work.
(Photographs © Ursula Becker-Mosbach, 1957; Image editing by Daniela Friebel)
Art direction for Bayerische Theatertage 2020, Landestheater Schwaben.
CI-Design+ design of posters, folder, brochure, merchandise products. Including 25 Illustrations of 25 theater plays.
The festival had to be cancelled because of the Corona-lockdown. :/
Spielzeitheft 2019/20_Junges Theater Bremen.
Art direction: collages, photo, illustration, color coding system. 52 pages. Readable from two directions.
Artwork_Examples of posters for Theater Bremen
Artwork_Poster and Folder_Theater Bremen
(Photos by Manja Herrmann)
Artwork_Poster for Theater Bremen
(Photo: Jörg Landsberg)
Artwork_vinyl and disc for them there (Phoebe Killdeer & Craig Walker)
Album 'Love is an elevator', 'Blaze' (Remix version), Band Brand.
Conception (in collaboration with D. Bystrom, A. Fäser, H.Bollig) and Artwork/Design (Photo: A. Büssemeier, M. Dumont)_
Pedagogical Set of Cards developped in a school project (Gustav Meyer Schule Berlin) for Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart. 2017- 2021.
Spiezeitheft_Theater Bremen.
Conception (in collaboration with Birgit Freitag),
collages (under use of photographs by Manja Hermann) and drawings.
Design of color system_Annual theater brochure_Theater Bremen.
Design and artwork (handlettering)_Festival brochure, cards, shirts and bags_BuT / Theater Bremen.
Design and artwork of a folder_ theater collective magic garden.
Artwork_vinyl and cd for the musicians Phoebe Killdeer /Shift, Laborgras.
Artwork_Examples of posters for Theaters (illustration, photography, collages, ect)
(Artwork based on a photo by Manja Herrmann)
Examples of webdesign for theaters, bands, foundations
(dance now and Landesbühne in cooperation with Katrin Alt)
Examples of businesscards
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